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To have the upper hand

Tener la sartén por el mango

Where there's a will, there's a way

Querer es Poder Ser un quiero y no puedo

A piece of cake

Coser y cantar

To be a Jack of all trades

Ser un todoterreno

In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king

En el reino de los ciegos, el tuerto es el rey

To have an ace up your sleeve

Tener/Guardar un as en la manga

To not give in

No dar el brazo a torcer

Querer es Poder Ser un quiero y no puedo

The self-explanatory phrase Querer es poder, whose equivalent in English could well be, Where there's a will there's a way, is a very popular phrase which belongs to the realm of folk tradition. We all have heard of it many times, but oddly enough, we may have taken it for granted. Today's episode wants to pay homage to this wise thought and reveal the magic of its true power as well known and documented, not only by the Buddhist tradition, but also corroborated by the latest scientific discoveries in the field of the brain. The idea is to get the best of ourselves in this very life to live to our fullest potential and to develop all the qualities that can give us the power to transform ourselves and our circumstances. To do so, we need to transform ourselves from the inside out and never the other way around.

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