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10. Stem-changing Verbs - Part 1

Episode #11

Stem-Changing Verbs (Part II)

I. Intro

Let’s review what we learned in the previous lesson about stem-changing verbs.
  • A verb consists of 2 parts: a stem + an ending
  • Whatever comes before -ar, -er, -ir, is called the verb stem
  • All verbs end in either -ar, -er, or -ir. If it doesn’t have one of these three endings, it’s not a verb!
We also learned that there are 3 main groups of stem changing verbs:
  • Verbs that change from (e:ie) / -ar, -er, -ir verbs
  • Verbs that change from (o:ue) / -ar, -er, -ir verbs
  • Verbs that change from (e:i) / -ir verbs only
In this lesson, we learn groups 2 + 3, and briefly discuss special exceptions.

II. Stem-Changing Verbs - Group 2 (o:ue)




costar volver morir
contar poder dormir
encontrar mover
rogar soler
recordar resolver

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