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Uses of the Conditional Tense

In the previous lesson we saw an overview of the conditional tense. We saw that the general idea of the conditional is to describe hypothetical or uncertain events that are contingent to another set of circumstances.

Yo pondría aquí un cuadro si el casero me dejara colgar cosas de la pared.
I would put a picture here if the landlord would let me hang things on the wall.

In today's lesson, we are going to see the different situations where we use the conditional tense.

Uses of the conditional tense

1. Giving advice on formulas of obligation - use the conditional to give advice on anything, but that advice must almost force the other person to follow the advice.

Deberías trabajar menos y salir más.
You should work less and go out more.

Tendrías que contar a la policía lo que ha ocurrido.
You should tell the police what happened.

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