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News in Slow Spanish



A disgraced journalist follows a strange lead in a desperate bid to restore his reputation. The thread he pulls unravels a dangerous adventure with tropical islands, bizarre cults, and technicolor flamingos. This story was developed for our Get Up to Speed (G.U.T.S.) program. Each chapter progressively builds on essential grammar concepts and skills. It is suitable for beginners and can be enjoyed on its own or alongside the corresponding lessons in G.U.T.S.

“Ya no hay marcha atrás” — There’s no turning back

“Un camino largo y accidentado” — A long and bumpy road

“Caer en desgracia” — Fall from grace

“Vamos al grano” — Let’s get down to business

“Recortes de periódico” — Newspaper clippings

¡Hola, viajeros!

Available in Beginner and Intermediate

¡Vamos a explorar Latinoamérica! Yo los llevaré a visitar los rincones más famosos y algunos de los menos conocidos en esta fascinante región.